Captain's Log: 2013.09.25
- Continued working on on issue #61
- Read up on Mustache.js vs Handlebars.js
- No one has implemented a Ruby parser for Handlebars
- Using mustache for onebox templates, as it has better support/integration for Ruby
- Having a bit of trouble with _layout, using partials in layout template, and doesn't escape characters
- Might be able to get around this with }, but need to consider potential security issues
- Learned new if syntax
if x then positive else negative
- Discussed making our own template gem, perhaps named after something other than after facial hair
- Talked a bit about looking at performance testing as a good intro to Rails (we've really just been working in Ruby)
- Discussed Hate Driven Development
- Learned about redcarpet, upskirt, pantyshot.... would recommend against Googling....
- HOMEWORK: Keep on making oneboxes for v1.1.0...again
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