Captain's Log: 2013.08.07

- Started creating oneboxes solo based on Amazon and Example
- Vyki made Wikipedia onebox and succeeded
- JZ tried to make Flickr onebox but failed
- Flickr images are generated w/ Javascript, so we can't use our usual way of parsing an HTML response
- Discourse uses
function to access Flickr content
- Realized we lacked functionality to onebox sites that support Open Graph Protocol
- Note to self: pick easier onebox to do first...
- We need to put off gem release until we can support Open Graph Protocol sites :(
- Painted the bikeshed (try refreshing the page repeatedly...)
- Attending LA Ruby/Rails August meetup tomorrow
- Got a text from Jen - we'll be presenting our onebox gem at LA Women's Ruby/Rails Group August Monthly Bash
- Look at what
function does
- Self-assigned: listen to latest Ruby Rogues #117 featuring mentors Sam Saffron and Robin Ward
- Start creating oneboxes for sites that don't support OGP
- Remove
html body
from Nokogiri CSS selectors in oneboxes - it's redundant. Use classes and ids instead of tags (if possible)
- At some point, need to create a guide for making oneboxes
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