July 08, 2013 - Vyki

And So It Begins

Tonight was the first night all three of us (Vyki, JZ, and Kurtis) got to work in the same room together! Though I'm still getting all of my tools installed and set up, and despite my kernel headers problem with VirtualBox, we dove right in.

We started off with lectures on semantic versioning and best practices for Ruby gems. We then officially forked Discourse to our GitHub.

In 3 short hours we managed to:

  • learn about oneboxing
  • create a discourse-oneboxer repo for the gem we're building
  • generate a new gem using Bundler
  • start pulling in oneboxer files from the Discourse lib to discourse-oneboxer
  • start properly namespacing the files in discourse-oneboxer

Now off to finish our homework! Mine is to finish the namespacing in discourse-oneboxer, and JZ's is to finish transfering all the oneboxer files to discourse-oneboxer.

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