June 27, 2013 - JZ

Hello, Mentors

...or in other words, shit just got real (and exciting)!

I've just had my first Google Hangout with our mentors Robin Ward and Sam Saffron. Unfortunately, Vyki couldn't really join in as she was in the woods of Washington for a family reunion. Still, Robin, Sam, our coach Kurtis and I were able to discuss our plans for Discourse.

Our goal for the summer will be to extract all oneboxing into one gem. Oneboxing is a feature of Discourse where if you include a link to a site (i.e. Twitter, Wikipedia), it will try to create a usable snippet for you automatically. By extracting this feature into a gem, it can be usable by projects other than Discourse, and will also make testing much easier since the code will be more modularized.

If time permits, we'll also be implementing oneboxing for other often-used sites that aren't supported yet.

To start out, we're gonna:

  • get Discourse running in our own dev environments using Vagrant/VirtualBox (using this tutorial)
  • get Discourse test environment running
  • create a thread on meta.discourse forum introducing ourselves to the community there

I'm feeling pretty lucky to have these awesome guys supporting us. Allons! Let's go!

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