September 05, 2013 - Team Dysania

Captain's Log: 2013.09.05

  • Short day today since we're tizzered :/
  • Fixed small errors in caching-support-for-preview branch based on Captain Kurt's comments
  • Worked on logs


September 04, 2013 - Team Dysania

Captain's Log: 2013.09.04

  • Continued working on caching support
    • Continued refactoring Preview class
      • Refactored A LOT
      • Renamed #record to #data in Engine module
    • Added new specs in spec_helper.rb
      • Make sure oneboxes behave like engines
shared_examples_for "engines" do
  it "should behave like an engine" do
    expect(described_class.private_instance_methods).to include(:data, :record, :raw)

  it "should have implemented a data method" do
    expect { }.not_to raise_error
  • In onebox specs, move fake web to global scope since our tests were using actual web pages instead of fixtures
  • Captain Kurt released v1.2.0 of his Hexpress gem!
    • We made a new branch that requires it in onebox since we will be using that instead of Verbal Expressions to match urls
  • We realized we need to rename our onebox specs to end in onebox_spec.rb (instead of just spec.rb) to reflect the files they are testing
  • Vyki made her first Tumblr today! #opengov


August 28, 2013 - Team Dysania

Captain's Log: 2013.08.28

  • Continued working on caching support
    • Decided to use moneta after all
      • Set expire = true in options
      • Created singleton .defaults to DRY code for initializing Moneta caches
    • Made edits based on Captain Kurt's comments
    • We're gonna need to fix Preview specs to check that cache behaves like a cache
      • Bad test right now - only checks that it's a kind of Hash
      • Need to test that it behaves like a cache system, with abilities to #store, #fetch, and #key
  • Discussed using default images for oneboxes missing usable images
    • Considering using this process to help integrate with Rails
  • Vyki created Clikthrough onebox
  • JZ made edits to oneboxes from last night based on Captain Kurt's comments on open pull requests
    • Use Array#first instead of Array[0] because more idiomatic
    • Make sure to indicate on pull requests if it depends on another one
  • Discussed more on regex, Verbal Expressions, and played with Rubular
    • We'll be using the regex matchers from Discourse to help guide us with our Verbal Expressions in our matches blocks
    • This will be important for security
  • Learned more on constants and how classes/modules are basically constants
    • You can actually do something like Onebox = do ... end
  • Captain Kurt recommended we look at Hamster


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